Growing up in the US Virgin Islands has been a fascinating experience, one that I could never forget.
Where else could one say they lived in a haunted house where strange happenings were the norm? 👻
My grandmother shared many haunted house stories with us and some we experienced first hand.
However, this story is one that happened at the home of a distant relative.
The Shaking Jumbie Bed

One day, Francois de Lagarde invited his daughter, Estrid, and granddaughter over for a visit to his home on Frenchman’s Hill.
Estrid took her baby daughter to the guest bedroom for a nap.
Shortly after putting her down, the bed started shaking!
On this particular occasion, a spiritualist happened to be visiting the home and witnessed the event.
Immediately, Estrid reached out to pick her sleeping daughter up, but the spiritualist said,
“Don’t go near her! She will not harm the child. Let the child sleep.”
“Why?”, argued Estrid.
The Spiritualist explained, the entity is an older woman, and all she wants are prayers to be said for her. 🙏🏼 🙏🏼🙏🏼
After several, frantic recitals of the Novena, the bed calmed down and never shook again.
Small fragments of this incredible story can be found in the newspaper clippings below.
They reflect a time when paranormal activity in the islands was not unheard of. 👻
Interestingly, in 1938, the home was listed for sale. 🛌
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