What Drink Does Here’s a post found in the archives of Royal Danish Library on drinking and its effects. There were several articles written in the St. Thomas newspapers, extolling the virtues of abstaining from alcohol.
St. Thomas 🇩🇰
Transfer Day, An Engaging Historical Thriller by Sophie Schiller
Transfer Day This wonderful book is an action-packed adventure that brings to life a fading West Indian sugar colony in the last days of Danish rule.” ~ 1916 “A page-turner with emotional resonance.” –Publishers Weekly St. Thomas This is a beautiful story set in the Virgin Islands by someone who grew up on the island and […]
The Earliest Known Telephone Subscribers in St. Thomas ~ 1909
Early St. Thomas Telephone Subscribers When telephone wires were being strung along the streets in St. Thomas, residents were excited! Hello, and happy greetings would soon be shared over the wires. ~ 1907 The concession to operate the first telephones on the island was granted to Knud Bent Hey, the Building Inspector who was also credited […]
A Lecture by Adolph Sixto at the Apollo Theatre, After the War, What? ~ 1915
After the War, What? An Interesting Lecture by Adolph Sixto A Full House at the Apollo Theatre Adolph Sixto gave an interesting lecture at the Apollo Theatre which was filled to capacity. ~ 1915 All in attendance were eager to hear him speak on the future of the islands. Here is the account of that evening […]
Africa Arise, An Inspirational Poem by Charles A. Emanuel ~ 1912
The following poem was found in a little book called, A Souvenir by Charles A. Emanuel from St. Thomas. ~ 1912 There are so many wonderful poems written long ago about the Virgin Islands. I love discovering them and sharing them here on the blog. Africa Arise By Charles A. Emanuel Africa arise! The dawn […]
11 Different Uses for St. Johns Bay Rum ~ 1917
Different Uses for St. Johns Bay Rum According to this old advertisement, St. Johns Bay Rum was a popular remedy for everything! It was used as fragrant toilet water, hair lotion, shampoo, shaving disinfectant, an invigorator, a headache cure, for rheumatism, dyspepsia, heartburn, protection against mosquitoes, and as a remedy for seasickness! To learn more about […]
High School Reunion Sparks Appreciaton for Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church and School
A Brief History of Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church The history of the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church is fascinating! After learning of all the fires that have destroyed the building since its inception, the edifice that stands today is a historic landmark and a true testament to the faith and resiliency of […]
A Rare Photograph of the First Carnival Festival in the Danish West Indies ~ 1912
Celebrating the First Carnival Festival Here’s an old advertisement for the first Carnival festival held in the Danish West Indies now the US Virgin Islands. Boat races, confetti battles, greased pole contests, donkey races, and more marked the joyous occasion. Visit the shop